Sunday, June 12, 2011


I can't believe how much work I have gotten done on the first book in the "Wolf" trilogy this week! I must have 10 different Google docs full of outlines, scene ideas, character sheets and all sorts of other goodies that make writing a book so much fun! My goal is to have the entire first book outlined before "Camp NaNoWriMo" starts sometime this summer. I would love to have something this ridiculously fun to work on for a NaNo project :D

I guess my next big project is finishing up the outline and getting a playlist done to help set the mood I'm looking for with this first story. I haven't had this much fun writing something in a long time! Aiden is absolutely overjoyed that I'm finally listening to something he has to say.



  1. Good luck on Camp NaNo - I'll probably have to pass on the idea of Camp NaNo; I doubt my summer work schedule will let me really devote the time to it.

  2. Well, since I'm a stay-at-home wife, I don't have much else to do besides chores. Honestly, I never thought doing the laundry and dishes would take so much time away from my writing schedule!
