Thursday, January 7, 2010

Intentions and Introductions

Welcome to my friends, family and potential readers. My name is Krystol Grayson and this is my writing blog!

I've decided to start this blog for many reasons, the first of which is that I need a place to update people on what I am currently working on. I also needed a place to begin gathering interest about my first original fiction novel that I began working on in November for NaNoWriMo and that I plan to finish before the beginning of the summer. So, now that you understand what my intentions are I will start the introductions!

I'm a writer who can't settle down to just one project at a time, that may be why I am also a fan fiction writer as well as an aspiring novelist. If you have known me for awhile, you will know that I have been writing since I was a little girl and that nothing in the world was more important to me than finding a good story. Finally, I think I've found one with "Eyes on Fire" the first book that I've ever considered putting up for publishing... but more about that later. I've yet to introduce you to the other half of my writing team.

Many of you who know me know that the love of my life is my husband, Jon. What few people know is that there is another man in my life who is quite important as well. That man is my muse, Aiden. I've been plagued with a muse since I was a child but I never really understood what that meant until I took the suggestion of a fellow writer on a fan fiction forum and gave my elusive idea creator a name. What I didn't realize at the time was that giving your muse a name is like giving a mouse a cookie... it unleashes a tidal wave of new problems that you didn't foresee coming.

From the moment that Aiden and I officially became a team my brain began swarming with ideas. I couldn't take a moment to breathe with all the new ideas I suddenly had, if I did pause for too long to think about what I was writing I would inevitably miss important points of the next idea that came my way. Eventually I had to learn that not all of Aiden's ideas were good ones and I had to let some go... oh great, now he is growling at me.

Oh, did I forget to mention that Aiden, while sometimes showing up as a wonderful (albeit sometimes irritating) Celtic man, also shows up as a cunning and affectionate fox. Of course, I don't expect any of you to understand him quite yet, I've had him around for years and I still don't understand him completely.

I wanted to add one short note to the end of this first blog post for all the wonderful ladies who read my fan fics on Twilighted. I have begun work on chapter 2 of "Failure" and so far it's going great! I hope to have it up on the site by next week and then I'll begin work on chapter 8 of "Our New Life." I love you all!

Thanks for reading my first introductory post, I hope I didn't confuse anyone too much! : D Stay tuned for many more blogs in the coming weeks, I have a lot of books to work on and I may just give some previews for those people who follow me.


1 comment:

  1. My muse is Liliana. She's a six-inch tall naked fairy with long blonde hair and blue-purple eyes.

    And she's a dirty, filthy little whore and she knows it.

    She's also very sweet and affectionate and even sometimes pouty, depending on her mood and how much I've been writing lately. I tend to tire her out, methinks.
